Sunday, September 26, 2004

The Honor of Obedience

I wrote, not too long ago, about the gentleness of God - that despite his unquestionable power to force us into perfect submission he allows us instead to choose him, to love him. Not only do I praise Him for this character trait (which, given the corruption of those humans who have significant power, looks all the more stunning) but also for the opportunity that it leaves us as His followers.

Come with me for a minute, while I describe a person. He is a man of startling presence, not due to strange looks or manner, but rather the force of his character shines through his countenance and behavoir. When he enters a room people feel that they should look busy or important, or else they will pale in comparison to even his purposeful countenance. And that is what truly sets this man apart, not his countenance, but his purpose. He has vision. Not only vision, but motivation, energy - success seems to be waiting patiently for his arrival. And he has heart. It's not wealth, fame or power that he pursues, but good. He strives to do what is right and good, that right and good that people know intrinsicly, that strikes that chord in their soul that sounds either uncomfortable or beautiful, depending on their relation to good at the time.

Now imagine this man whose presence is invigorating and whose success is assured comes to you and asks you to help him. He wants YOU to be his close working assistant. You will come to know his vision and feed off of his energy. This is a privelege.

This privilege (multiplied 100-fold) is the opportunity that God has created for us. God's presence is not only striking, it's awe-inspiring. He not only has purpose, He is the ultimate purpose. His vision is the only vision worth having in this world, because the good that He is working for is only a reflection of Himself. He is actually the pattern, the original Platonic form, of all things that man recognizes as good and right. And He has asked us to help him. He has given each of us the opportunity to share in His vision and His perfect perspective, to be quickened by His energy, and to fulfill the ultimate purpose that life has to offer.

Now, we will have to obey Him. We will have to submit. But think of the example of the remarkable man; it's HIS vision and HIS mission, submission to him is the privelege. But even greater is our chance to obey the living God of the universe.

This is the ultimate privilege. We cannot do better. Praise God.

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